Dr. Maytal Bivas-Benita, Ph.D.

Dr. Maytal Bivas-Benita, Ph.D.

Dr. Maytal Bivas-Benita is a Senior Researcher at KI Research Institute, a non-profit research organization leading cutting edge computational health research. At KI, Maytal leads data research projects, exploring clinical data and translating insights into applicable solutions that create positive impact in healthcare. Previously she founded and was chief scientific officer of two digital health startups and was the director of clinical research informatics at Belong.life, focusing on real-world data research in Oncology. Maytal received her B. Pharm from the Hebrew University, holds a Ph.D in Pharmaceutical Technology and Immunology from Leiden University (cum laude) and completed her postdoctoral research fellowship in mucosal immunology and vaccinology at Harvard Medical School.

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