Dr. Tami Rubinek

Tami received her PhD in biochemistry from Tel Aviv University. She then did her postdoctoral training with Prof. Shlomo Melmed at the Endocrinology Department of Cedar-Sinai Medical Center, UCLA School of Medicine.


She subsequently established the endo-oncology lab at Sheba Medical Center and for the last ten years she has been heading the Oncology Division Research Lab at Tel Aviv Medical Center.


Tami Rubinek's research is at the interface of endocrinology, cancer biology and biochemistry, and she focuses on studying endocrine and metabolic aspects of cancer development at the basic and translational levels using in vitro, in vivo and ex-vivo models.


Among her main discoveries are the function of the longevity hormone klotho as a tumor suppressor, mechanism of resistance to endocrine therapies in breast cancer and metabolic mechanisms affecting tropism of metastasis.

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